Your head hurts, but it may be more than a headache resolved with an over-the-counter pain remedy. If you recently hit your head, you are potentially dealing with a concussion. If you hit your head in a motor vehicle accident, during a sports activity, if you slip and fall – or from an assault – that pain in the head potentially results from a concussion. You should go to the doctor immediately for a definite diagnosis.
Traumatic Brain Injury
A concussion is the mildest form of traumatic brain injury. It occurs when the head is hit and the brain collides with the skull. The Centers for Disease Control notes that repeated concussions over an extended time may lead to “cumulative neurological and cognitive deficits.” Another concussion within a few weeks of the initial injury before the brain has fully healed can lead to brain swelling – a potentially life-threatening situation.
Concussion Symptoms
Concussion symptoms don’t necessarily appear immediately after the incident in which the head was hit. It may take several days before they become apparent, and the symptoms may last for weeks or more. Suspect concussion if you experience:
- Headache
- Brief loss of consciousness
- Changes in vision or in pupils
- Confusion
- Dizziness
- Incoordination
- Light and noise sensitivity
- Memory loss
- Nausea and vomiting
- Ringing in the ears
- Sleep issues
- Slurred speech
Some effects of concussion are more subtle and more likely noticed by family, friends and colleagues than the victim. These include personality changes, anxiety and increased irritability.
Concussion Treatment
Rest is the most commonly prescribed treatment for concussion. During a prolonged rest period, you are not able to work or engage in other activities, such as taking care of your home and family. Some patients require therapy or medication.
Post-concussion Syndrome
Some people never fully recover from a concussion, or the recuperation takes a long time. They may suffer from post-concussion syndrome or PCS. This condition may affect the ability to work, resulting in unemployment or loss of income. If someone else caused your injury, they may be held liable.
If your concussion resulted from another party’s negligence, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. For example, if the concussion resulted from a motor vehicle accident, the person at fault for the crash may be liable for damages. Such damages might consist of medical expenses related to your treatment and time you were unable to work. The person or entity held liable may also have to pay for any treatment you receive for the concussion.
Under Texas law, you must file such a lawsuit within two years of the incident causing the concussion.
Contact an Attorney
If your or a loved one has suffered a head injury and is experiencing complications, call the Bonneau Law Firm today at (972) 325-1100 or email us for a free consultation. Our firm is experienced in dealing with concussion cases. We’ll review your case and medical records and advise you of your options going forward